Too many times, online content is scattered with mistakes. One of the most crucial steps that guarantee you not to lose credibility is to check your copy. Two times, three times, five or ten, no matter how often it has to be reread, you simply must reach an accurate and spotless copy when being professional. Luckily, there are valid steps that help in the flaw-finding process.
Listen to Your Inner Voice
If there exists just the slightest doubt whether a word is spelled like this or that, double-check! Go online and search Google’s dictionary or Merriam-Webster. This is the easiest way to ensure correct spelling.
Use Writing Assistance Software
Another trick is to take advantage of the 21st-century grand invention of spell and grammar check software. Most word processing software like Microsoft Word, Open Office, TextEdit, and Google Docs will check basic spelling and grammar errors. However, copy is often spoiled by lengthy phrases, overused words, and a passive voice as well. You can address these weaknesses by using systems like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and WhiteSmoke. Taking advantage of writing assistance can save you hours of proofreading.
Ask Experts and Trusted Readers
If you’re still unsure whether your copy has an appealing and sound flow, ask an expert or trusted reader to scan your work. This will ensure that your text doesn’t just sound good to you, but also catches other people’s attention. In case no qualifying person is available, submit your work to an online proofreader. For small fees, they will study and correct your writing, often in a 24 h window. For online services, is an excellent place to start.
Use Appealing Language
Besides the factual mistakes one can make when writing, using the right words and phrases that appeal to your readers is a prerequisite for success. This depends mainly on your audience and their level of expertise. If you are writing for a scientific, peer-reviewed journal, you probably want to elevate your language to a more knowledgeable tone. However, if you’re creating copy for a website, blogging, or writing other content for online publishing and your readers tend to be the general audience, make sure your work is readable.
Engage Your Readers
You don’t have to wait for comments to involve your readers. Shift the focus away from you and towards them. Make use of the you-viewpoint, an attitude that places the reader in the center. Your audience will appreciate you moving away from your attention and towards theirs. People like to talk about themselves, and this pattern remains even when reading. Using active verbs and emphasizing the receiver is much more likely to engage him or her. Publishing content online often provides the opportunity to post at a more conversational tone. This should leave you with plenty of room to show concern about your readers.
Depending mostly on the type of writing mistakes that are made, there are many ways to avoid them and be proactive. Between online dictionaries, spelling and grammar check software, experts you trust or online proofreaders, tips on what language to use, and ways to engage your readers, there are plenty of methods to better your copy, making it nearly perfect.