Top 5 Best Project Management Tools

Top 5 Best Project Management Tools

Project management tools help individuals and teams organize their day-to-day tasks so that projects progress and are completed. Project management tools encourage collaboration and provide teams with a clear overview of all details related to a specific project...
Email Lists for Churches: Why They Matter

Email Lists for Churches: Why They Matter

Ever wondered why you should have an email list for your church? Keeping an up-to-date list of all of your current members/guests can be a daunting task, but when you realize the importance of maintaining an email list, you’ll see that it’s worth the work.  In a few...
Email list: Do you need one? Why they work

Email list: Do you need one? Why they work

What is an Email List?  An email list is a list of subscribers or customers of your product or service. Once your company or brand has obtained information from your subscribers (this can be as little as name and email address), you can begin to send personalized...
3 Ways To Amp Up Your Brand

3 Ways To Amp Up Your Brand

A strong brand is what every business should desire. It is the one way you communicate your value to your customers and a key tool for creating and maintaining an extensive customer network. In a market overflowing with different brands, it is important to set...